Tanzania, United Republic of

  • 07 Mar 2022
  • OECD
  • ページ数: 182

The SIGI Country Report for Tanzania provides a new evidence base to improve the rights and well-being of women and girls in Tanzania and promote gender equality through the elimination of discrimination in social institutions. It builds on the newly collected data – both quantitative and qualitative – on social norms and practices through a rigorous methodology and participatory approach involving a wide range of national and international stakeholders. The report analyses how discriminatory social norms and practices continue to constrain women’s empowerment and restrict their access to opportunities and rights, notably across three key dimensions: their economic situation, their place within the household and their physical integrity and agency over their own body. In the framework of Tanzania’s commitment towards realising Sustainable Development Goal 5 on the promotion of gender equality, the report provides policy recommendations that aim to address gender-based discriminations, transform social norms, promote women’s empowerment and build a truly inclusive society.

  • 02 Dec 2021
  • OECD
  • ページ数: 102

Today, the global youth population is at its highest ever and still growing, with the highest proportion of youth living in Africa and Asia, and a majority of them in rural areas. Young people in rural areas face the double challenge of age-specific vulnerabilities and underdevelopment of rural areas. While agriculture absorbs the majority of rural workers in developing countries, low pay and poor working conditions make it difficult to sustain rural livelihoods. Potential job opportunities for rural youth exist in agriculture and along the agri-food value chain, however. Growing populations, urbanisation and rising incomes of the working class are increasing demand for more diverse and higher value added agricultural and food products in Africa and developing Asia. This demand will create a need for off-farm labour, especially in agribusinesses, which tends to be better paid and located in rural areas and secondary towns. It could boost job creation in the food economy provided that local food systems were mobilised to take up the challenge of higher and changing domestic demand for food.

This publication contains the 2021 Second Round Peer Review Report on the Exchange of Information on Request of Tanzania. It refers to Phase 1 only (Legal and Regulatory Framework).

L'emploi informel, défini par l'absence de protection sociale basée sur l'emploi, constitue la majeure partie de l'emploi dans les pays en développement, et entraîne un niveau de vulnérabilité à la pauvreté et à d'autres risques qui sont supportés par tous ceux qui dépendent des revenus du travail informel. Les résultats de la base de données des Indicateurs clés de l’informalité en fonction des individus et leurs ménages (KIIbIH) montrent qu'un nombre disproportionné de travailleurs de l'économie informelle de la classe moyenne reçoivent des transferts de fonds. Ces résultats confirment que les stratégies de gestion des risques, telles que la migration, jouent un rôle dans la minimisation des risques potentiels du travail informel pour les ménages informels de la classe moyenne qui peuvent ne pas être éligibles à l'aide sociale. Ils suggèrent en outre que les travailleurs informels de classe moyenne peuvent avoir une demande solvable d'assurance sociale, de sorte que, si des régimes d'assurance sociale adaptés aux besoins des travailleurs informels leur étaient accessibles, les transferts de fonds pourraient potentiellement être canalisés pour financer l'extension de l'assurance sociale à l'économie informelle.


Informal employment, defined through the lack of employment-based social protection, constitutes the bulk of employment in developing countries, and entails a level of vulnerability to poverty and other risks that are borne by all who are dependent on informal work income. Results from the Key Indicators of Informality based on Individuals and their Households database (KIIbIH) show that a disproportionately large number of middle‑class informal economy workers receive remittances. Such results confirm that risk management strategies, such as migration, play a part in minimising the potential risks of informal work for middle‑class informal households who may not be eligible to social assistance. They further suggest that middle‑class informal workers may have a solvent demand for social insurance so that, if informality-robust social insurance schemes were made available to them, remittances could potentially be channelled to finance the extension of social insurance to the informal economy.

  • 26 Apr 2017
  • OECD
  • ページ数: 96

This strategic foresight report assesses the interaction between demographics, economic development, climate change and social protection in six countries in East Africa between now and 2065: Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. The report combines population projections with trends in health, urbanisation, migration and climate change and identifies the implications for economic development and poverty. It concludes by identifying policies to address seven grand challenges for social protection planners in national governments and donor agencies which emerge from the projections. These include: eliminating extreme poverty; extending social insurance in a context of high informality; the rapid growth of the working-age population, in particular the youth; adapting social protection to urban settings; protecting the poor from the effects of climate change; harnessing a demographic dividend; and substantially increasing funding for social protection.

  • 25 Mar 2015
  • OECD
  • ページ数: 264

This publication provides comprehensive and consistent information on African central government debt statistics for the period 2003-2013. Detailed quantitative information on central government debt instruments is provided for 17 countries to meet the requirements of debt managers, other financial policy makers and market analysts. A cross country overview on African debt management policies and country policy notes provides background information on debt issuance as well as on the institutional and regulatory framework governing debt management policy

  • 23 Dec 2013
  • OECD
  • ページ数: 312

This review of investment policy in Tanzania evaluates the current policy situation and makes recommendations for  enabling Tanzania to attract higher investment to exploit its full potential and become a regional trade and investment hub. The review finds that while private investment in Tanzania has considerably risen since the early 1990s, further progress can be made to improve the business climate and attract more investment in key sectors, such as infrastructure and agriculture.

Informed by the subsequent chapters of this report, this overview provides policy options to address these challenges. In particular, investors’ rights and obligations could be rationalised and made more accessible and regulations on foreign investment and investment incentives reviewed. The land legislation could be revised and land rights registration accelerated, notably by providing stronger incentives for registration. The short-term and long-term costs and benefits of the regulatory restrictions imposed by crop boards and of export bans could be closely analysed.

  • 15 Nov 2013
  • OECD
  • ページ数: 252

This publication provides comprehensive and consistent information on African central government debt statistics for the period 2003-2012. Detailed quantitative information on central government debt instruments is provided for 17 countries to meet the requirements of debt managers, other financial policy makers, and market analysts. A cross country overview on African debt management policies and country policy notes provides background information on debt issuance as well as on the institutional and regulatory framework governing debt management policy.

Ce jeu de données est issu de la base de données présentée dans les Perspectives Agricoles de l'OCDE et de la FAO 2013-2022. La table contient des projections du marché agricole et des principales denrées agricoles comme les céréales, les oléagineux, les produits laitiers, le coton, et d'autres. Sont incluses des données sur le commerce agricole en général, notamment sur la production, les prix, la balance commerciale, les stocks en fin de période, la consommation, la transformation, etc. Pour la plupart des marchés et denrées agricoles analysés dans les Perspectives Agricoles, les prix intérieurs et mondiaux sont aussi disponibles. La majeure partie des données remontent jusqu'en 1970 et couvrent jusqu'à la dernière année de projection (actuellement 2022).


This dataset stems from the database presented in the OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2013-2022. The table contains projections on the agriculture market and commodities such as cereals, oilseeds, diary products, cotton and more. It includes statistics on the trade side including data on production, prices, trade balance, ending stocks, consumption, transformation, etc. For most of the commodity markets analysed in the Agricultural Outlook, domestic and international commodity prices are also available. In most cases the data go back to 1970 and cover up to the latest year of projection (currently 2022).

  • 18 Jun 2012
  • OECD
  • ページ数: 208

The focus of this greatly improved third edition is to provide comprehensive quantitative information on African central government debt instruments, both marketable debt and non-marketable debt.

The coverage of data is limited to central government debt issuance as well as bi-lateral, multi-lateral and concessional debt and excludes therefore state and local government debt and social security funds.

This paper studies the development of indigenous insurance institutions set up to help cover the high costs of funerals, using evidence from rural areas in Tanzania and Ethiopia. Many of these institutions tend to co-exist within the same community and are based on well-defined rules and regulations, often offering premium-based insurance for funeral expenses, as well as, in many cases, other forms of insurance and credit to help address hardship. The paper argues that the characteristics and inclusiveness of these institutions make them well placed as models to broaden insurance provision and other development activities in these communities. In Ethiopia, there is some encouraging experience with using these institutions, as reviewed in this paper. However, the paper argues that their fragility as institutions is well illustrated by current pressures related to HIV/AIDS, as well as by their apparent resistance to engage more broadly with NGOs and government agencies. As a ...

This paper presents a comparative analysis of the public procurement system in three East African countries: Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. In response to both domestic and international pressures, these countries have recently undertaken important initiatives to make their public procurement systems more efficient and transparent in line with international procurement guidelines. The experience of the three countries with the reforms has been quite varied. While Tanzania has moved fast with the reforms and has already put in place a legislative framework for public procurement, Kenya and Uganda have yet to enact procurement legislation. In Kenya, a number of significant changes have already been effected through a ministerial gazette notice pending the coming into force of a Procurement Act. There is also an urgent need for strengthening institutions involved in public procurement, as these institutions tend to lack technical and human resource capabilities.

Although the current East ...

  • 26 Sept 2002
  • Christian Morrisson
  • ページ数: 204

Cet ouvrage vient à point nommé compte tenu de quatre des objectifs de développement préconisés par le Comité d’aide au développement (CAD) de l’OCDE -- à savoir réduire l’extrême pauvreté, universaliser l’enseignement primaire, faire baisser les taux de mortalité infantile et maternelle, et améliorer la situation sanitaire. Ses auteurs montrent que, dans les pays très pauvres, des mesures visant à assurer l’accès de tous aux services d’éducation et de santé sont bien plus profitables aux pauvres que des programmes ciblés plus coûteux. Ils soulignent que la cohérence et la coordination sont des nécessités absolues, afin d’éviter de construire des écoles qui resteront sans professeurs et des dispensaires qui ne pourront être approvisionnés en médicaments. Il faut en outre veiller au réalisme des politiques macro-économiques nationales afin que les secteurs de la santé et de l’éducation ne soient pas privés de ressources. Enfin, les auteurs notent que la qualité de la gestion publique se répercute directement sur l’efficience des dépenses sociales.

Cet ouvrage est une référence essentielle pour tous ceux qui sont appelés à intervenir dans la mise en oeuvre de politiques favorables aux pauvres dans les pays en développement et pour les donneurs désireux d'orienter au mieux l'aide au développement international.

  • 26 Sept 2002
  • Christian Morrisson
  • ページ数: 196

This book demonstrates that in the case of very poor countries, policies aimed at universal provision of education and health services benefit the poor significantly more than more expensive targeted schemes. The book draws attention to the absolute need for coherence and co-ordination so that schools are not built without teachers and dispensaries without drugs. Moreover, national macroeconomic policies have to be realistic if the health and education sectors are not to be deprived of resources. Finally, the quality of governance is shown to have a direct effect on the efficiency of social spending.

  • 23 Nov 1999
  • Jeni Klugman, Bilin Neyapti, Frances Stewart
  • ページ数: 132

Les conflits : tel est le sujet de ce livre. Rien là de bien original si ce n'est qu'il analyse la situation de trois pays d'Afrique de l'Est d'un point de vue économique. Sans faire abstraction des facteurs sociaux, ethniques et historiques qui sont à l'origine des conflits, les auteurs s'intéressent aux problèmes économiques bien réels qui exacerbent les frictions sous-jacentes. Les disparités entre zones urbaines et rurales, par exemple, sont sensibles dans les niveaux de revenu, mais aussi dans des domaines tels que la santé, l'éducation ou l'emploi ; autre réalité : le clientélisme, celui-ci favorise une petite élite de fonctionnaires au détriment du reste de la population. Les auteurs identifient ainsi les facteurs économiques qui jouent un rôle aggravant dans les situations de conflit, en évaluent le coût économique, et proposent des réorientations politiques susceptibles d'atténuer les risques de conflit.
Cet ouvrage s'intègre dans une série composée de trois volumes ; il porte essentiellement sur le Kenya, l'Ouganda et la Tanzanie.
Pour en savoir plus Conflits et croissance en Afrique -- Vol. 1 : Le Sahel Conflits et croissance en Afrique -- Vol. 3 : L'Afrique australe

  • 23 Nov 1999
  • Jeni Klugman, Bilin Neyapti, Frances Stewart
  • ページ数: 116

This is a book about conflict. In that, it is certainly not alone, but it approaches the problem in three East African countries from the standpoint of economic analysis. The authors have not ignored social, ethnic and historical factors which led to conflict, but have identified economic realities which exacerbate the frictions created by the other factors. These realities include disparities in rural-urban income levels and in health, education and employment, and a system of clientilism which benefits a small group of civil servants to the detriment of the rest of the population. Having identified aggravating economic factors in conflict, the authors proceed to an appreciation of its economic cost, then propose economic policy changes which would tend towards reducing the potential for conflict.

One of a series of three volumes, this book concentrates on Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.


This chapter focuses on women’s economic empowerment in Tanzania, building on data collected within the framework of the SIGI Tanzania. The first section explores different aspects of women’s participation in the labour market, ranging from access to employment to the type of jobs and sectors in which they work. The section also highlights how social norms, including those limiting women’s education, and traditional views of women’s roles, affect their status and position in the labour market. The second section of the chapter examines women’s access to agricultural land, a critical productive asset in Tanzania. It assesses the current situation of women regarding ownership and control over agricultural land, highlighting recent legal changes that may yield positive benefits. The section also shows how women’s low ownership and control over land results from discriminatory customs, inheritance practices and norms that establish men as the majority owners and decision makers in this area. The chapter concludes with some concrete and actionable policy options aimed at improving women’s access to the labour market and land ownership in Tanzania.

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