Successful transitions are vital; providing the means to secure the gains achieved through UN missions. A carefully managed transition process is one of the best ways to guard against backslide and to ensure the continuity of essential peacebuilding and conflict prevention efforts. As part of this, it will be important to build and reinforce the essential foundations for economic stability, and to maintain financing for peace programming post-withdrawal. Therefore, the overall objective of this research was to address the systemic challenges of financing UN Mission transitions, by outlining opportunities to ensure that:
- the potentially negative economic impacts and disruptions of UN Mission transitions are mitigated;
- financing for peacebuilding programmes is sustained post mission withdrawal; and
- domestic economic growth is sustained and supported where possible.
This paper combines global trends and research on peace operation transitions with findings from case studies in DRC (initial stages of MONUSCO transition), Haiti (handover from MINUJUSH to BINUH), Liberia (following UNMIL’s withdrawal) and Sudan (transition of UNAMID). The paper focuses on opportunities that the international community could integrate into programming, co-ordination and financing. Accordingly, the paper is structured around the three phases of transition – ongoing UN missions, the transition, and sustaining capacity and economic stability post-withdrawal.
The institutional framework of a country plays a determining role in the well-being of the women who live in it. This paper examines the cases of four case countries: India, Kenya, Sudan and Tunisia. In each of these case studies, the status of women has been analysed along with the reforms that have been implemented to improve it. Comparisons between the four countries have brought to light several obstacles to change in the institutional framework such as age-old traditions, religion, economic interests and parliamentary opposition. Where there are important initial obstacles, the government’s room for manoeuvre is limited, particularly in the short-term since magistrates, administrations, media and families often endeavour to postpone the application of new, more inclusive, laws. There are, however, examples of successful reform efforts. These successes are generally attributable to the presence of numerous women in parliament and government and in the legal service, the ...
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Post-secession Sudan has yet to produce comprehensive, reliable and up-to-date macroeconomic data that meet international standards. This note continues to use macroeconomic data based on estimates provided by the 2013 budget document for 2012 and 2013 together with historical data provided by the authorities and the IMF Staff Monitored Programme (SMP).
Le Soudan n’a plus produit de données macroéconomiques exhaustives, fiables, actualisées et conformes aux normes internationales depuis la sécession. Cette note s’appuie par conséquent sur le projet de budget 2013 pour 2012 et 2013, et sur les séries historiques fournies par les autorités et le Programme de référence (SMP) conclu avec le Fonds monétaire international (FMI).
Depuis la sécession du Sud-Soudan en juillet 2011, le Soudan n’a plus produit de données économiques détaillées. Les données macroéconomiques utilisées dans la présente note s’appuient par conséquent sur les estimations extraites du projet de budget 2012 pour 2011 et 2012[1]. D’après ce document, la croissance du PIB aurait chuté, passant de 5 % en 2010 à 2.8 % en 2011, un résultat imputable à la sécession du Sud du pays, amputé ainsi d’environ 20 % de sa population et de 75 % de ses recettes pétrolières.
Sudan's economy picked up slightly in 2010 to grow 5%, after 4.5% in 2009 but this was one percentage point lower than expected. The economy is projected to grow 5.1% in 2011 and then 5.3% in 2012 largely due to increased oil production and sustained gains in the non-oil sector. The non-oil sector remains buoyant and should underpin economic growth in the medium term through the continued revival of agriculture and increased investment in infrastructure, especially roads and electricity, and manufacturing.