
  • 29 Sept 2021
  • OECD
  • ページ数: 60

Le Comité d’aide au développement (CAD) de l’OCDE mène tous les cinq à six ans un examen par les pairs qui passe en revue les efforts de coopération pour le développement de chacun de ses membres. Ces examens visent à améliorer la qualité et l’efficacité de leur coopération pour le développement, en mettant en évidence les bonnes pratiques et en recommandant des améliorations.

La coopération danoise pour le développement fait partie intégrante de la politique étrangère du pays. Le soutien de la sphère politique et de l’opinion publique permet au Danemark de consacrer 0.7 % de son revenu national brut à l’aide publique au développement. Les thématiques du changement climatique et des migrations irrégulières façonnent l'approche du Danemark en matière de coopération au développement. Une meilleure intégration des objectifs climatiques dans l’ensemble du portefeuille de coopération serait complémentaire aux investissements substantiels que le Danemark consacre à la diplomatie climatique. Chef de file mondial des interventions dans les contextes fragiles, le Danemark pourrait mieux mettre en œuvre la composante « paix » du lien entre humanitaire, développement et paix. L’approche consistant à pratiquer le développement autrement (Doing Development Differently) permet d'instaurer de la souplesse dans les budgets et de nouer des partenariats fondés sur la confiance. Le Danemark pourrait mieux intégrer la lutte contre la pauvreté dans l’ensemble de son programme. Il restaure ses effectifs et développe les compétences et les connaissances dont il a besoin.

  • 01 Sept 2021
  • OECD
  • ページ数: 54

The OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) conducts peer reviews of individual members once every five to six years. Reviews seek to improve the quality and effectiveness of members’ development co-operation, highlighting good practices and recommending improvements.

Denmark’s development co‑operation is integrated into its foreign policy. Broad political and public support enables Denmark to provide 0.7% of its national income as official development assistance. Denmark champions gender equality, human rights and democracy, supports transparent communication and empowers its partners. Climate change and irregular migration shape Denmark’s approach to development co-operation. Mainstreaming climate objectives would complement Denmark’s significant investments in climate diplomacy. A global leader in fragile contexts, Denmark could better implement the peace component of the humanitarian-development-peace nexus. The Doing Development Differently approach enables flexible budgets and trusting partnerships. Denmark could better integrate poverty reduction across its programme.


In May 2016, the World Humanitarian Summit represented a turning point for humanitarian policies. The Summit gave the impetus to seriously reflect on how to operate in environments where people’s needs don’t coincide anymore with existing mandates and sectors. The OECD believes that an effective humanitarian response is the one that addresses affected people’s needs in a timely and efficient manner. One way to measure effectiveness is to ask aid beneficiaries what they think about the aid they get. With this is mind, the OECD initiated a first round of surveys during the cycle 2016-2017 in six countries affected by different type of crisis : Lebanon, Afghanistan, Haiti, Iraq, Somalia and Uganda. Two years after the World humanitarian Summit, the OECD and Ground Truth Solutions took another round of surveys in the same countries, plus Bangladesh. The purpose of this second round of surveys is to assess whether the commitments made at the World Humanitarian Summit, including the Grand Bargain, are having a tangible impact on people’s lives in the most difficult contexts in the world. This paper provides some answers to this question.

Displacement is at a historic high, with over 65 million individuals currently displaced. The world is facing a refugee crisis that is unprecedented in scale. A large number of evaluations look at different aspects of programming in response to refugee crises in developing countries. This paper covers the key areas and priority topics related to forced displacement identified by the Development Assisstance Committee Temporary Working Group on Refugees and Migration. It draws from evaluation findings to highlight key lessons and recommendations for positive change going forward.

Key topics covered in the paper include: lessons on bridging the gap between humanitarian and development programming; efforts to strengthen international response to protracted crises; lessons on whole-of-government approaches in refugee contexts; learning from work in urban settings; improving access to employment and quality education; new financing mechanisms for refugee crises in middle income countries; and lessons on financing in response to the Syria crisis. The paper highlights the evaluation work of DAC members and aims to help strengthen the evidence base to improve response to situations of displacement in developing countries.

Due to a series of civil wars (the most recent of which began in 1991 and is ongoing), the country has operated without a central government for almost ten years. As a consequence, customary practices have increasingly taken the place of a non-existent legal system. Justice is perceived and applied differently depending on the region, and is based on a combination of systems that includes tribal rules, Islamic law, and the Penal Code that existed before 1991. Overall, women’s rights are restricted by the fact that they live in a highly patriarchal system.

Résidents nés à l'étranger selon le pays et l'origine est issu de OECD Economic Surveys: Finland.


Foreign-born residents by country and origin appears in OECD Economic Surveys: Finland.

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