Mark | Date Date | Title Title | |||
No. 52 | 31 Oct 2023 |
Making renewable energies drivers of competitiveness in the EU Outermost Regions
This paper provides a snapshot of the development of renewable energies in the European Union Outermost Regions (EU ORs), focusing on their potential to contribute to the green transition while creating sustainable economic development opportunities.... |
No. 51 | 31 Oct 2023 |
Innovative oceans
This paper provides an overview of the ocean economy in the EU Outermost Regions (EU ORs). It discusses the opportunities and challenges that the EU ORs are facing in light of emerging global trends, laying out priority actions for making the ocean a... |
No. 50 | 30 Oct 2023 |
Internationalisation, specialisation and technological collaboration in the EU Outermost Regions
This paper explores the innovation dynamics of the EU Outermost Regions (EU ORs) through patenting behaviour. It emphasises the potential for international collaborations with a wide range of partners, and recommends to mobilise the resources and... |
No. 49 | 25 Oct 2023 |
Innovative agro-food industries in the EU Outermost Regions
This paper provides an overview of agro-food value chains in the EU Outermost Regions (EU ORs). It assesses emerging trends, discusses opportunities and challenges, reviews the policy frameworks and tools that can strengthen the beneficial... |
No. 48 | 13 Oct 2023 |
The G20 initiative for rural youth employment
Between 2017 and 2022, G20 members invested over USD 20 billion in 671 projects related to rural youth employment in Africa. The G20 Initiative for Rural Youth Employment (RYE), launched in 2017, overachieved the targets set to provide... |
No. 47 | 27 Oct 2023 |
Refugees and internally displaced persons in development planning
This paper provides a factual baseline of the extent to which refugees and internally displaced persons are included in development planning, specifically in the national development plans and sector plans of low- and middle-income countries; in the... |
No. 46 | 09 Oct 2023 |
Addressing forced displacement in climate change adaptation
This paper shows that climate-related forced displacement is insufficiently addressed in two fundamental commitments made towards the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) between 2015 and 2023: National Adaptation Plans... |
No. 45 | 16 Dec 2022 |
Building and financing the transport infrastructure of tomorrow
Recalling the centrality of transport infrastructure in any development strategy and economic recovery and resilience plan, the paper stresses the importance of increasing territorial connectivity in Colombia to sustain future progress. It describes... |
No. 44 | 11 Jul 2022 |
Official Development Assistance by regime context (2010-19)
This report examines official development assistance (ODA) allocations by regime context, the kind of support donors provide to different regime types and if and how donors respond to processes of democratisation and autocratisation. The analysis... |
No. 43 | 01 Jul 2022 |
Social protection for the forcibly displaced in low- and middle-income countries
This paper provides the first overview of efforts by low- and middle-income countries to extend the coverage of national social protection systems to the forcibly displaced persons they host. It presents a baseline of de jure (legal) and estimated de... |
No. 42 | 23 Dec 2021 |
Gender-responsive COVID-19 recovery
Responding to the gender impacts of COVID-19 – including lost economic opportunities when taking on more domestic and care work in the health sector and at home, and increased violence – requires more tailored policies and resources that support... |
No. 41 | 20 Dec 2021 |
The fiscal implications of strategic investment funds
Strategic investment funds (SIFs) are instruments of economic and financial policy, and the operations of these funds have important fiscal implications. These implications span the full cycle of the SIFs’ operations, from funding, through capital... |
No. 40 | 05 Jul 2021 |
Migration in Asia
The world is increasingly facing a technologically changing employment landscape and such changes are directly affecting the future demand for skills. For regional economies built on labour migration, the impending changes will affect migrants and... |
No. 39 | 16 Apr 2021 |
COVID-19 innovation in low and middle-income countries
This paper explores how innovation in low and middle-income countries is enhancing their local and national responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper also analyses how innovation could further address locally relevant development challenges by... |
No. 38 | 26 Mar 2021 |
Youth aspirations and the reality of jobs in Africa
The gap between youth aspirations and the reality of the labour markets in Africa is large. Career aspirations of young Africans have little in common with current and projected labour demand in the region, making it unlikely that they will go... |
No. 38 | 02 Jun 2021 |
Aspirations des jeunes et réalité de l’emploi en Afrique
Il existe en Afrique un réel décalage entre les aspirations des jeunes et la réalité des marchés du travail. Les aspirations professionnelles des jeunes Africains ont ainsi peu en commun avec la demande de main-d’œuvre actuelle et prévue dans la... |
No. 37 | 04 Mar 2021 |
Financing transition in the health sector
This paper explores the health financing challenges that countries face when they transition from low-income towards middle-income level and beyond. While domestic actors bear an increasing share of the national health expenditure in this process,... |
No. 36 | 16 Feb 2021 |
Sustainably financing infrastructure in sub-Saharan Africa - What role for the DAC?
In a climate of heightened debt vulnerabilities, countries in sub-Saharan Africa struggle to fill the gap in infrastructure finance, which is paramount to achieving their sustainable development objectives. At the same time, the infrastructure... |
No. 35 | 08 Jan 2021 |
Mobilising institutional investor capital for climate-aligned development
Financing from institutional investors will be critical to achieving the sustainable development goals and curbing climate change. However, these large investors have been largely absent from multilateral initiatives to mobilise private capital.... |
No. 34 | 18 Dec 2020 |
Towards more sustainable solutions to forced displacement
The majority of forcibly displaced people worldwide are hosted by developing countries. Alternative routes to sustainable solutions for the forcibly displaced, particularly in developing countries, are drying up, and the path towards and support for... |
OECD Development Policy Papers
The OECD Strategy on Development aims to strengthen the Organisation’s contributions to inclusive and sustainable growth in a wide array of countries. It draws on OECD’s evidence-based approaches, policy dialogue and knowledge sharing to improve policy making and economic reform. This strategy identifies four interlinked thematic areas: innovative and sustainable sources of growth; mobilisation of resources for development; governance for sustainable development; and measuring progress for development. Designed for a wide readership, the OECD Development Policy Papers are intended to stimulate discussion and analysis on these topics.
English, French
- ISSN: 24140929 (online)
1 - 20 of 52 results
This paper provides a snapshot of the development of renewable energies in the European Union Outermost Regions (EU ORs), focusing on their potential to contribute to the green transition while creating sustainable economic development opportunities....
Innovative oceans
31 Oct 2023
This paper provides an overview of the ocean economy in the EU Outermost Regions (EU ORs). It discusses the opportunities and challenges that the EU ORs are facing in light of emerging global trends, laying out priority actions for making the ocean a...
Internationalisation, specialisation and technological collaboration in the EU Outermost Regions
30 Oct 2023
This paper explores the innovation dynamics of the EU Outermost Regions (EU ORs) through patenting behaviour. It emphasises the potential for international collaborations with a wide range of partners, and recommends to mobilise the resources and...
Innovative agro-food industries in the EU Outermost Regions
25 Oct 2023
This paper provides an overview of agro-food value chains in the EU Outermost Regions (EU ORs). It assesses emerging trends, discusses opportunities and challenges, reviews the policy frameworks and tools that can strengthen the beneficial...
The G20 initiative for rural youth employment
13 Oct 2023
Between 2017 and 2022, G20 members invested over USD 20 billion in 671 projects related to rural youth employment in Africa. The G20 Initiative for Rural Youth Employment (RYE), launched in 2017, overachieved the targets set to provide...
Refugees and internally displaced persons in development planning
OECD and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
27 Oct 2023
This paper provides a factual baseline of the extent to which refugees and internally displaced persons are included in development planning, specifically in the national development plans and sector plans of low- and middle-income countries; in the...
Addressing forced displacement in climate change adaptation
09 Oct 2023
This paper shows that climate-related forced displacement is insufficiently addressed in two fundamental commitments made towards the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) between 2015 and 2023: National Adaptation Plans...
Building and financing the transport infrastructure of tomorrow
16 Dec 2022
Recalling the centrality of transport infrastructure in any development strategy and economic recovery and resilience plan, the paper stresses the importance of increasing territorial connectivity in Colombia to sustain future progress. It describes...
Official Development Assistance by regime context (2010-19)
11 Jul 2022
This report examines official development assistance (ODA) allocations by regime context, the kind of support donors provide to different regime types and if and how donors respond to processes of democratisation and autocratisation. The analysis...
Social protection for the forcibly displaced in low- and middle-income countries
OECD and Expert Group for Aid Studies
01 Jul 2022
This paper provides the first overview of efforts by low- and middle-income countries to extend the coverage of national social protection systems to the forcibly displaced persons they host. It presents a baseline of de jure (legal) and estimated de...
Gender-responsive COVID-19 recovery
OECD and UN Women
23 Dec 2021
Responding to the gender impacts of COVID-19 – including lost economic opportunities when taking on more domestic and care work in the health sector and at home, and increased violence – requires more tailored policies and resources that support...
The fiscal implications of strategic investment funds
Håvard Halland
20 Dec 2021
Strategic investment funds (SIFs) are instruments of economic and financial policy, and the operations of these funds have important fiscal implications. These implications span the full cycle of the SIFs’ operations, from funding, through capital...
Migration in Asia
Catherine Gagnon and Jason Gagnon
05 Jul 2021
The world is increasingly facing a technologically changing employment landscape and such changes are directly affecting the future demand for skills. For regional economies built on labour migration, the impending changes will affect migrants and...
COVID-19 innovation in low and middle-income countries
Ben Ramalingam and Benjamin Kumpf
16 Apr 2021
This paper explores how innovation in low and middle-income countries is enhancing their local and national responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper also analyses how innovation could further address locally relevant development challenges by...
Youth aspirations and the reality of jobs in Africa
Adrien Lorenceau, Ji-Yeun Rim and Toma Savitki
26 Mar 2021
The gap between youth aspirations and the reality of the labour markets in Africa is large. Career aspirations of young Africans have little in common with current and projected labour demand in the region, making it unlikely that they will go...
Aspirations des jeunes et réalité de l’emploi en Afrique
Adrien Lorenceau, Ji-Yeun Rim and Toma Savitki
02 Jun 2021
Il existe en Afrique un réel décalage entre les aspirations des jeunes et la réalité des marchés du travail. Les aspirations professionnelles des jeunes Africains ont ainsi peu en commun avec la demande de main-d’œuvre actuelle et prévue dans la...
Financing transition in the health sector
04 Mar 2021
This paper explores the health financing challenges that countries face when they transition from low-income towards middle-income level and beyond. While domestic actors bear an increasing share of the national health expenditure in this process,...
Sustainably financing infrastructure in sub-Saharan Africa - What role for the DAC?
16 Feb 2021
In a climate of heightened debt vulnerabilities, countries in sub-Saharan Africa struggle to fill the gap in infrastructure finance, which is paramount to achieving their sustainable development objectives. At the same time, the infrastructure...
Mobilising institutional investor capital for climate-aligned development
Håvard Halland, Adam Dixon, Soh Young In, Ashby Monk and Rajiv Sharma
08 Jan 2021
Financing from institutional investors will be critical to achieving the sustainable development goals and curbing climate change. However, these large investors have been largely absent from multilateral initiatives to mobilise private capital....
Towards more sustainable solutions to forced displacement
Jason Gagnon and Mathilde Rodrigues
18 Dec 2020
The majority of forcibly displaced people worldwide are hosted by developing countries. Alternative routes to sustainable solutions for the forcibly displaced, particularly in developing countries, are drying up, and the path towards and support for...