Educators and Students
OECD encourages adoption of OECD content for use in college and university courses, and OECD content is widely used at universities around the world. At universities subscribing to large OECD iLibrary packages students and faculty have online access to a wide range of OECD books (PDF), periodicals (PDF), statistical databases and tables (data is downloadable in CSV or MS Excel format). Many colleges and universities have access to smaller selections of OECD content via their library's web site. If your library does not provide access to any OECD content, ask your librarian to subscribe.
Authorised users (generally faculty, students, and staff) at institutions that subscribe to OECD iLibrary can download PDF files and statistics, and incorporate parts of the licensed materials in printed course packs and electronic reserves without requesting permission.
If you are teaching at an educational institution that does not have access to OECD iLibrary, and would like to consider an OECD publication for use in your course, you can browse through available OECD material on the OECD iLibrary and examine the READ or WEB versions on the site.
Selected titles, in particular those in the OECD Insights Series, are appropriate for course adoptions. OECD Insights books are written for the non-specialist reader, including interested laypeople, older high-school students and university freshmen. The books use straightforward language, avoid technical terms, and illustrate theory with real-world examples.
Publications can be purchased individually on OECD iLibrary via the BUY PDF option which enables downloading them immediately following the completed purchase.
For more information please contact the OECD iLibrary team.