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OECD’s work on finance and investment focuses on policies and global rules covering anticorruption, corporate governance, competition, investment, financial markets, insurance, private pensions, and responsible business conduct. More information about this thematic collection
This report analyses current trends of adaptation finance provided and mobilised by developed countries for developing countries. It explores potential action areas for international providers to scale up funding for climate change adaptation,...
This report presents aggregate trends of annual climate finance provided and mobilised by developed countries for developing countries for the period 2013-2021. It includes breakdowns by climate theme, sector, financial instrument and recipient...
This report explores evidence-based action areas to increase and accelerate the mobilisation of private finance for climate action in developing countries, and the role of international public finance providers in doing so.
Africa’s Development Dynamics uses lessons from Central, East, North, Southern and West Africa to develop policy recommendations and share good practices across the continent. Drawing on the most recent statistics, the analysis of development...
The report explores the national regulatory framework encapsulated in national investment laws and how this compares with initiatives at a regional level, investment promotion and facilitation in SADC, investment incentives, investment for green...
Revenue Statistics in Africa 2023 compiles comparable tax revenue and non-tax revenue statistics for 33 countries in Africa. It also includes a special feature on the VAT Digital Toolkit for Africa.