

Angola is experiencing rapid economic growth. Stimulated by high international oil prices and rapidly increasing output from new oil fields, real GDP growth exceeded 11 per cent in 2004 and, with oil production set to surge still higher, growth is expected to increase further to about 15.5 per cent in 2005, 26 per cent in 2006 and 20 per cent in 2007. While offshore oil exploration and production create very few linkages to the rest of the economy, the sheer size of this sector – accounting for 50 per cent of GDP – provides opportunities for the construction industry and the incipient services sector, as well as recycling of oil revenue through the government...


L’Angola connaît un croissance économique alerte. Stimulée par la flambée des cours internationaux du pétrole et la rapide montée en puissance de la production des nouveaux champs pétrolifères, la progression du PIB réel aura dépassé les 11 pour cent en 2004. La production de pétrole étant appelée à s’accélérer, cette hausse devrait se poursuivre, à 15.5 pour cent du PIB en 2005, 26 pour cent en 2006 et 20 pour cent en 2007. Bien que l’exploration et la production de gisements pétroliers offshore n’entretiennent que peu de liens avec le reste de l’économie, le secteur contribue par sa seule taille (50 pour cent du PIB) au développement du BTP et à l’émergence de nouveaux services – sans compter que...


ANGOLA HAS BEEN LARGELY AT PEACE since a ceasefire between the armed forces and the rebels was signed in April 2002, putting an end to more than 25 years of almost uninterrupted civil war. The country now faces the daunting task of channelling its huge resource endowment into reconstruction of its infrastructure and into poverty reduction activities. Diamonds and, especially, offshore oil dominate the national economy...

Angola: Real GDP Growth and Per Capita GDP (USD/PPP at current prices) appears in African Economic Outlook 2009.

Angola: Stock of Total External Debt (percentage of GDP) and Debt Service (percentage of exports of goods and services) appears in African Economic Outlook 2009.

Angola: Current Account (percentage of GDP at current prices) appears in African Economic Outlook 2009.

Angola: GDP by Sector in 2007 (percentage) appears in African Economic Outlook 2009.

Angola: Demand Composition appears in African Economic Outlook 2009.

Angola: Public Finances (percentage of GDP at current prices) appears in African Economic Outlook 2009.

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